
Takes generated models and adds them to GeoServer so they can be retrieved by API calls by the frontend or other clients





convert_nc_to_gtiff(→ pathlib.Path)

Creates a GeoTiff file from a netCDF model output. The Tiff represents the max flood height in the model output.

upload_gtiff_to_store(→ None)

Uploads a GeoTiff file to a new GeoServer store, to enable serving.

create_layer_from_store(→ None)

Creates a GeoServer Layer from a GeoServer store, making it ready to serve.

get_geoserver_url(→ str)

Retrieves full GeoServer URL from environment variables.

add_gtiff_to_geoserver(→ None)

Uploads a GeoTiff file to GeoServer, ready for serving to clients.

create_workspace_if_not_exists(→ None)

Creates a geoserver workspace if it does not currently exist.

create_datastore_layer(→ None)

create_building_layers(→ None)

Creates dynamic geoserver layers "nz_building_outlines" and "building_flood_status" for the given workspace.

create_db_store_if_not_exists(→ None)

Creates PostGIS database store in a geoserver workspace for a given database.

create_building_database_views_if_not_exists(→ None)

Creates a geoserver workspace and building layers using database views if they do not currently exist.

style_exists(→ bool)

Checks if a geoserver style definition already exists for a given style_name.

create_viridis_style_if_not_exists(→ None)

Creates a geoserver style for rasters using the viridis colour scale

add_model_output_to_geoserver(→ None)

Adds the model output max depths to GeoServer, ready for serving.

Module Contents

src.flood_model.serve_model.convert_nc_to_gtiff(nc_file_path: pathlib.Path) pathlib.Path

Creates a GeoTiff file from a netCDF model output. The Tiff represents the max flood height in the model output.


nc_file_path (pathlib.Path) – The file path to the netCDF file.


The filepath of the new GeoTiff file.

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.upload_gtiff_to_store(geoserver_url: str, gtiff_filepath: pathlib.Path, store_name: str, workspace_name: str) None

Uploads a GeoTiff file to a new GeoServer store, to enable serving.

  • geoserver_url (str) – The URL to the geoserver instance.

  • gtiff_filepath (pathlib.Path) – The filepath to the GeoTiff file to be served.

  • store_name (str) – The name of the new Geoserver store to be created.

  • workspace_name (str) – The name of the existing GeoServer workspace that the store is to be added to.


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_layer_from_store(geoserver_url: str, layer_name: str, native_crs: str, workspace_name: str) None

Creates a GeoServer Layer from a GeoServer store, making it ready to serve.

  • geoserver_url (str) – The URL to the geoserver instance.

  • layer_name (str) – Defines the name of the layer in GeoServer.

  • native_crs (str) – The WKT form of the CRS of the data being shown in the layer.

  • workspace_name (str) – The name of the existing GeoServer workspace that the store is to be added to.


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.get_geoserver_url() str

Retrieves full GeoServer URL from environment variables.


The full GeoServer URL

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.add_gtiff_to_geoserver(gtiff_filepath: pathlib.Path, workspace_name: str, model_id: int) None

Uploads a GeoTiff file to GeoServer, ready for serving to clients.

  • gtiff_filepath (pathlib.Path) – The filepath to the GeoTiff file to be served.

  • workspace_name (str) – The name of the existing GeoServer workspace that the store is to be added to.

  • model_id (int) – The id of the model being added, to facilitate layer naming.


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_workspace_if_not_exists(workspace_name: str) None

Creates a geoserver workspace if it does not currently exist.


workspace_name (str) – The name of the workspace to create if it does not exists.


This function does not return anything.

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_datastore_layer(workspace_name, data_store_name: str, layer_name, metadata_elem: str = '') None
src.flood_model.serve_model.create_building_layers(workspace_name: str, data_store_name: str) None

Creates dynamic geoserver layers “nz_building_outlines” and “building_flood_status” for the given workspace. If they already exist then does nothing. “building_flood_status” required viewparam=scenario:{model_id} to dynamically fetch correct flood statuses.

  • workspace_name (str) – The name of the workspace to create views for

  • data_store_name (str) – The name of the datastore that the building layer is being created from


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_db_store_if_not_exists(db_name: str, workspace_name: str, new_data_store_name: str) None

Creates PostGIS database store in a geoserver workspace for a given database. If it already exists, does not do anything.

  • db_name (str) – The name of the connected database, to connect datastore to

  • workspace_name (str) – The name of the workspace to create views for

  • new_data_store_name (str) – The name of the new datastore to create


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_building_database_views_if_not_exists() None

Creates a geoserver workspace and building layers using database views if they do not currently exist. These only need to be created once per database.


This function does not return anything.

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.style_exists(style_name: str) bool

Checks if a geoserver style definition already exists for a given style_name. The style definition may be empty.


style_name (str) – The name of the style to check for


True if the style exists, although it may be empty. False if it does not exist.

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.create_viridis_style_if_not_exists() None

Creates a geoserver style for rasters using the viridis colour scale


This function does not return anything

Return type:


src.flood_model.serve_model.add_model_output_to_geoserver(model_output_path: pathlib.Path, model_id: int) None

Adds the model output max depths to GeoServer, ready for serving. The GeoServer layer name will be f”Output_{model_id}” and the workspace name will be “{db_name}-dt-model-outputs”

  • model_output_path (pathlib.Path) – The file path to the model output to serve.

  • model_id (int) – The database id of the model output.


This function does not return anything

Return type:
