
Fetch tide data from NIWA using the Tide API based on the specified approach, datum, etc.






get_query_loc_coords_position(→ Tuple[float, float, str])

Get the latitude, longitude, and position of a query location.

get_date_ranges(, total_days, days_per_call, int])

Get the start date and duration, measured in days, for each API call used to fetch tide data for the

gen_tide_query_param_list(→ List[Dict[str, Union[str, ...)

Generate a list of API query parameters used to retrieve tide data for the requested period.

fetch_tide_data(→ geopandas.GeoDataFrame)

Fetch tide data using the provided query parameters within a single API call.


Iterate over the list of API query parameters to fetch tide data for the requested period.

convert_to_nz_timezone(→ geopandas.GeoDataFrame)

Convert the time column in the initially retrieved tide data for the requested period from UTC to NZ timezone.

fetch_tide_data_from_niwa(, total_days, interval_mins)

Retrieve tide data from NIWA for the requested time period using the Tide API.

get_highest_tide_datetime(→ pandas.Timestamp)

Get the datetime of the most recent highest tide that occurred within the requested time period.


Get the start and end datetimes of a tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

get_highest_tide_date_span(→ Tuple[, int])

Get the start date and duration in days of a tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.


Fetch tide data around the highest tide from NIWA for the specified tide length and interval.

get_time_mins_to_add(→ List[Union[float, int]])

Get the time values in minutes to add to the tide data.

add_time_information(→ geopandas.GeoDataFrame)

Add time information (seconds, minutes, hours) to the tide data.

get_tide_data(, total_days, tide_length_mins, ...)

Fetch tide data from NIWA using the Tide API based on the specified approach, datum, and other parameters.

Module Contents

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.TIDE_API_URL_DATA = ''
src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.TIDE_API_URL_DATA_CSV = ''
src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_query_loc_coords_position(query_loc_row: geopandas.GeoDataFrame) Tuple[float, float, str]

Get the latitude, longitude, and position of a query location.


query_loc_row (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – A GeoDataFrame representing a query location used to fetch tide data from NIWA using the tide API.


A tuple containing the latitude, longitude, and position of the query location.

Return type:

Tuple[float, float, str]

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_date_ranges(start_date: =, total_days: int = 365, days_per_call: int = 31) Dict[, int]

Get the start date and duration, measured in days, for each API call used to fetch tide data for the requested period.

  • start_date (date = – The start date for retrieving tide data. It can be in the past or present. Default is today’s date.

  • total_days (int = 365) – The total number of days of tide data to retrieve. Default is 365 days (one year).

  • days_per_call (int = 31) – The number of days to fetch in each API call. Must be between 1 and 31 inclusive. Default is 31, which represents the maximum number of days that can be fetched per API call.


A dictionary containing the start date as the key and the duration, in days, for each API call as the value.

Return type:

Dict[date, int]



  • If ‘total_days’ is less than 1.

  • If ‘days_per_call’ is not between 1 and 31 inclusive.

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.gen_tide_query_param_list(lat: int | float, long: int | float, date_ranges: Dict[, int], interval_mins: int | None = None, datum: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.DatumType = DatumType.LAT) List[Dict[str, str | int]]

Generate a list of API query parameters used to retrieve tide data for the requested period.

  • lat (Union[int, float]) – Latitude in the range of -29 to -53 (e.g., -30.876).

  • long (Union[int, float]) – Longitude in the range of 160 to 180 and -175 to -180 (e.g., -175.543).

  • date_ranges (Dict[date, int]) – Dictionary of start date and number of days for each API call needed to retrieve tide data for the requested period.

  • interval_mins (Optional[int] = None) – Output time interval in minutes, range from 10 to 1440 minutes (1 day). Omit to retrieve only the highest and lowest tide data.

  • datum (DatumType = DatumType.LAT) – Datum used for fetching tide data from NIWA. Default value is LAT. Valid options are LAT for the Lowest Astronomical Tide and MSL for the Mean Sea Level.


A list of API query parameters used to retrieve tide data for the requested period.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]



  • If the latitude is outside the range of -29 to -53.

  • If the longitude is outside the range of 160 to 180 or -175 to -180.

  • If the time interval is provided and outside the range of 10 to 1440.

async src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.fetch_tide_data(session: aiohttp.ClientSession, query_param: Dict[str, str | int], url: str = TIDE_API_URL_DATA) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Fetch tide data using the provided query parameters within a single API call.

  • session (aiohttp.ClientSession) – An instance of aiohttp.ClientSession used for making HTTP requests.

  • query_param (Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) – The query parameters used to retrieve tide data for a specific location and time period.

  • url (str = TIDE_API_URL_DATA) – Tide API HTTP request URL. Defaults to TIDE_API_URL_DATA. Can be either TIDE_API_URL_DATA or TIDE_API_URL_DATA_CSV.


A GeoDataFrame containing the fetched tide data.

Return type:


async src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.fetch_tide_data_for_requested_period(query_param_list: List[Dict[str, str | int]], url: str = TIDE_API_URL_DATA) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Iterate over the list of API query parameters to fetch tide data for the requested period.

  • query_param_list (List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]) – A list of API query parameters used to retrieve tide data for the requested period.

  • url (str = TIDE_API_URL_DATA) – Tide API HTTP request URL. Defaults to TIDE_API_URL_DATA. Can be either TIDE_API_URL_DATA or TIDE_API_URL_DATA_CSV.


A GeoDataFrame containing the fetched tide data for the requested period.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If an invalid URL is specified for the Tide API HTTP request.

  • RuntimeError – If failed to fetch tide data.

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.convert_to_nz_timezone(tide_data_utc: geopandas.GeoDataFrame) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Convert the time column in the initially retrieved tide data for the requested period from UTC to NZ timezone.


tide_data_utc (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – The original tide data obtained for the requested period with the time column expressed in UTC.


The tide data with the time column converted to NZ timezone.

Return type:


src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.fetch_tide_data_from_niwa(tide_query_loc: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, datum: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.DatumType = DatumType.LAT, start_date: =, total_days: int = 365, interval_mins: int | None = None) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Retrieve tide data from NIWA for the requested time period using the Tide API.

  • tide_query_loc (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – A GeoDataFrame containing the query coordinates and their positions.

  • datum (DatumType = DatumType.LAT) – Datum used for fetching tide data from NIWA. Default value is LAT. Valid options are LAT for the Lowest Astronomical Tide and MSL for the Mean Sea Level.

  • start_date (date = – The start date for retrieving tide data. It can be in the past or present. Default is today’s date.

  • total_days (int = 365) – The total number of days of tide data to retrieve. Default is 365 days (one year).

  • interval_mins (Optional[int] = None) – Output time interval in minutes, range from 10 to 1440 minutes (1 day). Omit to retrieve only the highest and lowest tide data.


A GeoDataFrame containing the fetched tide data from NIWA for the requested time period.

Return type:


src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_highest_tide_datetime(tide_data: geopandas.GeoDataFrame) pandas.Timestamp

Get the datetime of the most recent highest tide that occurred within the requested time period.


tide_data (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – The tide data fetched from NIWA for the requested time period. The time column is expressed in NZ timezone, which was converted from UTC.


The datetime of the most recent highest tide that occurred within the requested time period.

Return type:


src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_highest_tide_datetime_span(highest_tide_datetime: pandas.Timestamp, tide_length_mins: int) Tuple[pandas.Timestamp, pandas.Timestamp]

Get the start and end datetimes of a tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

  • highest_tide_datetime (pd.Timestamp) – The datetime of the most recent highest tide that occurred within the requested time period.

  • tide_length_mins (int) – The length of the tide event in minutes.


A tuple containing the start and end datetimes of the tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

Return type:

Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp]

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_highest_tide_date_span(start_datetime: pandas.Timestamp, end_datetime: pandas.Timestamp) Tuple[, int]

Get the start date and duration in days of a tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

  • start_datetime (pd.Timestamp) – The start datetime of the tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

  • end_datetime (pd.Timestamp) – The end datetime of the tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.


A tuple containing the start date and the duration in days of a tide event centered around the datetime of the highest tide.

Return type:

Tuple[date, int]

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.fetch_tide_data_around_highest_tide(tide_data: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, tide_length_mins: int, interval_mins: int = 10, datum: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.DatumType = DatumType.LAT) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Fetch tide data around the highest tide from NIWA for the specified tide length and interval.

  • tide_data (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – The tide data fetched from NIWA for the requested time period. The time column is expressed in NZ timezone, which was converted from UTC.

  • tide_length_mins (int) – The length of the tide event in minutes.

  • interval_mins (int = 10) – The time interval, in minutes, between each recorded tide data point. The default value is 10 minutes.

  • datum (DatumType = DatumType.LAT) – Datum used for fetching tide data from NIWA. Default value is LAT. Valid options are LAT for the Lowest Astronomical Tide and MSL for the Mean Sea Level.


The tide data around the highest tide, fetched from NIWA, for the specified tide length and interval.

Return type:


src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_time_mins_to_add(tide_data: pandas.DataFrame, tide_length_mins: int, time_to_peak_mins: int | float, interval_mins: int = 10) List[float | int]

Get the time values in minutes to add to the tide data.

  • tide_data (pd.DataFrame) – The tide data for which time values in minutes will be calculated.

  • tide_length_mins (int) – The length of the tide event in minutes.

  • time_to_peak_mins (Union[int, float]) – The time in minutes when the tide is at its greatest (reaches maximum).

  • interval_mins (int = 10) – The time interval, in minutes, between each recorded tide data point. The default value is 10 minutes.


A list containing the time values in minutes to add to the tide data.

Return type:

List[Union[float, int]]

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.add_time_information(tide_data: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, time_to_peak_mins: int | float, interval_mins: int = 10, tide_length_mins: int | None = None, total_days: int | None = None, approach: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.ApproachType = ApproachType.KING_TIDE) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Add time information (seconds, minutes, hours) to the tide data.

  • tide_data (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – The tide data for which time information will be added.

  • time_to_peak_mins (Union[int, float]) – The time in minutes when the tide is at its greatest (reaches maximum).

  • interval_mins (int = 10) – The time interval, in minutes, between each recorded tide data point. The default value is 10 minutes.

  • tide_length_mins (Optional[int] = None) – The length of the tide event in minutes. Only required if the ‘approach’ is KING_TIDE.

  • total_days (Optional[int] = None) – The total number of days for the tide event. Only required if the ‘approach’ is PERIOD_TIDE.

  • approach (ApproachType = ApproachType.KING_TIDE) – The approach used to get the tide data. Default is KING_TIDE.


The tide data with added time information in seconds, minutes, and hours.

Return type:



ValueError – If ‘time_to_peak_mins’ is less than the minimum time to peak.


The minimum time to peak is calculated differently depending on the approach used: - For the KING_TIDE approach, it is half of the ‘tide_length_mins’. - For the PERIOD_TIDE approach, it is half of the ‘total_days’ converted to minutes.

src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_data_from_niwa.get_tide_data(tide_query_loc: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, time_to_peak_mins: int | float, approach: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.ApproachType = ApproachType.KING_TIDE, start_date: =, total_days: int | None = None, tide_length_mins: int | None = None, interval_mins: int = 10, datum: src.dynamic_boundary_conditions.tide.tide_enum.DatumType = DatumType.LAT) geopandas.GeoDataFrame

Fetch tide data from NIWA using the Tide API based on the specified approach, datum, and other parameters.

  • tide_query_loc (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – A GeoDataFrame containing the query coordinates and their positions.

  • time_to_peak_mins (Union[int, float]) – The time in minutes when the tide is at its greatest (reaches maximum).

  • approach (ApproachType = ApproachType.KING_TIDE) – The approach used to get the tide data. Default is KING_TIDE.

  • start_date (date = – The start date for retrieving tide data. It can be in the past or present. Default is today’s date.

  • total_days (Optional[int] = None) – The total number of days for the tide event. Only required if the ‘approach’ is PERIOD_TIDE.

  • tide_length_mins (Optional[int] = None) – The length of the tide event in minutes. Only required if the ‘approach’ is KING_TIDE.

  • interval_mins (int = 10) – The time interval, in minutes, between each recorded tide data point. The default value is 10 minutes.

  • datum (DatumType = DatumType.LAT) – Datum used for fetching tide data from NIWA. Default value is LAT. Valid options are LAT for the Lowest Astronomical Tide and MSL for the Mean Sea Level.


The tide data with added time information in seconds, minutes, and hours.

Return type:




  • If ‘interval_mins’ is None.

  • If the ‘approach’ is KING_TIDE and ‘tide_length_mins’ is None or ‘total_days’ is not None.

  • If the ‘approach’ is PERIOD_TIDE and ‘total_days’ is None or ‘tide_length_mins’ is not None.